Peter Boddy

Peter Boddy PhD.

I am a researcher in the cognitive neuroscience and psychology of language and memory.

I have always been interested in understanding how memory works in humans. To this end I design experiments and collect behavioural and fMRI data.

In general I am interested in sensorimotor/embodied accounts of semantics and conceptual dynamics, i.e., how context, whether the environment you are in, the activities you are multitasking or the idiosyncrasies of your previous experiences, affects how you think about objects.

I have specialised in the study of olfaction & vision in semantic memory and the interference/facilitation of conceptual retrieval/task performance during on-line multitask processing.

Another line of investigation I am involved in relates to Parkinson’s Disease and its impact on the representation of manipulable objects and the relationship between L-dopa and impulse control disorders.

My doctoral training was in the cognitive neuroscience of language at the Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL) and the University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV in San Sebastian, Spain. I was supervised by Dr Eiling Yee (UConn) and Dr Kepa Paz-Alonso (BCBL). I wrote my PhD thesis on the the representation of conceptual information in the brain.

After my doctoral studies I worked as a Senior Research Associate at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich (UK) where I studied spatial perspective taking and spatial language with Prof. Kenny Coventry.

I now work as a researcher for ADoc Talent management(Adoc), a firm specialised in connecting PhDs with industry.